Friday, December 10, 2010

So excited!

I am so thrilled! I just found out today that Deb and Sue, two amazing ladies and good friends from my days at HP have invited me to share Informed Consent, A Memoir of Hope at their monthly book club in January! So, they're reading my current version right now.  I actually feel this book is complete, but I am curious what the readers think now that it's on edition 64. 

It's more than enough that these ladies are reading my book, but it gets even better because a reporter is going to be at their book club meeting with me to do a story about the club and what they do - they've been meeting for a long time and have a strong bond.

I just feel so fortunate to be included with this group, and I'm so excited to hear what such avid and participatory readers think of my book.  Heck, even if it's bad, it's not published yet so I can use this as a second chance to make things better.

Well, that's my update.  If you are interested in being one more January beta reader, please post a comment below, and I'm happy to send you a copy of the pdf for the new year.

Don't forget, all I want for Christmas is more site traffic, so please tell your friends to visit my blog and help me start some buzz for the book.  With your help, we can get Informed Consent published!  Gosh, if I had had something like that when I was pregnant with Liam eight years ago it would have given me such hope and comfort. 

That's the best part of my book, that it might make another mom or dad be a little less scared and a lift their spirits. Just that one possibility charges me up to make this happen for real.

Heart hugs & happy holidays!

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